2023 Homecoming Events

September 30, 2023

September 30, 2023- Shaler Homecoming Parade March

For those marching in the Parade, plan on meeting at the St. Bonaventure north parking lot on Mt. Royal Blvd. by 10 AM. You must either park on the surrounding streets or there are shuttle buses running from Kiwanis Park on Wetzel Road. We will gather at an early 70s Chevy pick up truck at the St. Bonaventure lot. Bring LOTS of wrapped candies as tradition is to throw it for the children as we march. The end point is the SA Middle School (formerly High School) where there will be food vendors, games etc. prior to the 1:30 football game. More details at https://sasd.k12.pa.us/

September 30, 2023- Class of 1972 Homecoming Gathering

Starting at 2 PM, you are also invited to join your classmates for a gathering at Cadence Clubhouse by Pro Bike + Run (412-536-3917) located at 9999 Kummer Road, Allison Park Pa 15101. This is at the corner of Ingomar & Kummer Roads in North Park. We hope to be outside either on the front deck or recessed area on the side. For planning purposes, please register if you are going to attend.


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